She had asked that the doctor delicately broach some other possibilities for "improvements" when her son came by. Dr. Schneider had a good knowledge of how males such as Chris thought and she was somewhat intrigued with the possibilities which such a naturally effeminate lad might present to her artistry.

The album in the waiting room was especially put out for Chris's visit. She intended to use it as a casual way of getting him talking.

"That's very impressive work Dr. Schneider," Chris said as he still couldn't tear his eyes off of the pictures.

"Well, thank you. Jim and Allan were very happy with the results as well."

The mention of the patients' names sent a nervous thrill down his spine.

"You mean...these are guys?!" Chris exclaimed.

"Of course, they are males by birth, but pretty girls by choice," Dr. Schneider explained. "Here, let me show you some others." She flipped further in the album and showed Chris some before and after pictures of facial work she had done. All the photos were of boys. .at least in the before pictures.

Joanne Schneider had found out almost by accident several years ago that there was a significant demand for facial and breast cosmetic surgery in a small but rich part of the California population. When one young man had pleaded and finally convinced her to do a breast augmentation on him to enhance his feminine image, he paid her back by spreading the word to his special friends.

The good work that she did for them continued to spread like wildfire. At first she was torn with ethical concerns about changing young males into full-breasted beauties. But when she saw the joy and happiness it brought them she realized that she had found a satisfying and financially rewarding market for her skills. She always guaranteed her patients that if they changed their mind about their breasts she would remove the implants for free.

Several hundred happy boys later, she was yet to be taken up on her offer.

"I've done several hundred such procedures on males, it's not at all uncommon. . .and easily reversible," She added, noting how that perked up Chris's interest even more. She decided to tease Chris a little, "Well, enough of this, you're

MY SON, THE BRIDE 13 here for me to examine your nose, not to talk about breast implants, right?"

Chris had almost forgotten about his nose. . .he was imagining lying topless by his pool, tanning a perfect pair of B-cup breasts!

"Uh...yeah...my nose," he replied, reluctant to change the topic. She led him into her examining room and had him sit under a light on the examination table. Using a magnifier she examined and gently prodded his face.

"My...very nice bone structure. . .high cheekbones.. .the damage to the nose is minimal. We can smooth it out easily." She spoke as she continued to look through the magnifier.

"You have fantastic skin. What kind of moisturizer do you use?" She asked as she sniffed his skin, "That's smells like 'Creme Silkience'," Dr. Schneider continued naming a wellknown female cosmetic line. Chris was amazed that she recognized it.

"That's right. You have a very acute sense of smell," he replied in genuine amazement. Dr. Schneider continued and amazed Chris even more,

"Well thank you, I do. In fact I would say that you are also a regular user of 'Passionate'."

Chris nodded, very impressed that she identified the subtle traces of the favored female perfume that he used as Christine. Chris would have been more surprised to have learned that Dr. Schneider was just drawing upon the information she had gleaned from his mother!

"I don't mean to pry..," she said as she prepared to step up the openness of their discussion, "but may I ask why you use such normally feminine products? I noticed that your hair is just lovely too. . .in fact I'm jealous!" She teased as she held up some strands of her own hair. Chris felt like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar! He had been read. . .and he wasn't even pretending to be Christine!

"Yeah. .I do use those things," he muttered while looking down at the floor feeling embarrassed, "It's...it's just a kind of fun thing I like to do now and then."

"You mean dressing like a girl?" Dr. Schneider asked point blank.

"Yes...that's right," Chris replied hoping that the floor would swallow him up.